Natural Ways To Improve Your Skin Care Regime

Natural Ways To Improve Your Skin Care Regime

Do you ever wonder what the big secret is to obtaining beautiful skin? How to add life to your dull look? With dry or oily skin, acne, wrinkles or cellulite, are you on a constant battle? Well, the secret is simple. Proper skin care with CBD serum! What is proper skin care? Let me share some basic tips on taking better care of your skin!

One common cause of skin problems is unhealthy eating. Maintaining a healthy diet is important for all skin types.

A Few Healthful Tips:

  • Drink sufficient water to hydrate your skin
  • Indulge in fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables daily (yep, that means every day!)
  • Increase iron and vitamins; especially vitamins A, C & B2
  • To your diet, add more fiber and whole grains
  • Consume more natural foods


Try to avoid or cut back on caffeine, fried foods, junk food, processed foods, sugar and alcoholic beverages.
The next step in proper skin care is to identify your skin type. Different skin types require different care including the use of CBD scar cream. Once you've identified your skin type, it's time to pamper your skin!

Dry Skin

Dry skin has low levels of sebum which results in the inability to retain proper moisture and they are also known as xerosis.
A few causes:


  • Unhealthy diet
  • Extreme weather
  • Hot water
  • Harsh soaps and chemicals
  • Smoking
  • Dehydration


If you suffer from dry skin, your skin may sometimes feel tight or itchy. It may feel as though you never apply enough moisturizer.
You may need to alter your daily routine. Avoid bathing in hot water. This strips your skin of moisture. Bathe in warm or even cool water. Cool water is known to lock in moisture. Avoid lengthy baths and showers. After you bathe, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing and immediately apply a moisturizing lotion or oil to lock in the moisture. Look for products that contain natural ingredients. Most importantly, choose products that are made for dry skin.

More Tips For Dry Skin:

Rubbing a small amount of apple cider vinegar to dry spots will help hydrate your skin and restore the skin's natural PH balance.

  • Use Jajoba oil to restore moisture and elasticity
  • Be sure to protect your skin in extreme hot or cold weather conditions and always wear sun block
  • Use essential oils such as carrot seed, lavender, orange, juniper, rosewood, ylang ylang as well as CBD oil for wrinkles.

Oily Skin

Oily skin comes from over active glands which results in too much sebum being produced. Clogging of the pores leading to acne can be a reason for oily skin.

A few causes:

  • Genes
  • Choosing the wrong cosmetics
  • Birth control pills

Unhealthy Diet

You may feel the need to wash your face throughout the day with oily skin. As this produces more oil, rubbing your skin stimulates oil glands. 

Avoid using harsh chemicals such as alcohol or products containing alcohol. Alcohol strips your skin of necessary oils. When cleansing your skin it's best to use hot water. Hot water removes skin oils quicker than cool or warm water. Use oil based cleansers. However, use oil free moisturizers. Look for products that are made for oily skin. When choosing makeup, use a powdered base concealer instead of liquid. Before going to bed, be sure to thoroughly remove make up.

More Tips For Oily Skin:

  • Exfoliation is the best way to remove the dead skin cells
  • Massage your face when applying a moisturizer
  • Use gentle motions when cleansing your skin
  • Pores can clog by rubbing soap deep into your skin


Acne develops more commonly in teens but can develop at any age from infants to adults. Acne can appear on the face, neck, arms and legs.

Acne develops when the skin's pores become clogged. Within each pore there is a follicle that contains hair and oil glands. When these glands produce too much oil the pores are blocked. Blocked pores create dirt and bacteria. On the surface of your skin pimples or zits (acne) will appear. The oil and bacteria can spread throughout the skin and form cysts which are, most times, painful if they rupture or burst.

A Few Causes Of Acne:

  • Unhealthy diet
  • Natural hormones - menstrual period, pregnancy
  • Birth control pills
  • Oily skin

Choosing the wrong cosmetics

Skin care for acne is similar to the care for oily skin. Use mild and natural soaps and cleansers along with CBD daily soothing serum. During hot weather and after exercise, keep skin clear of dirt and sweat. Do not wash excessively. The skin is stripped out of natural oil with too much of washing. It's also important to keep your hair clean and pulled away from your face. Look for non-greasy creams and water based products. Be sure to remove it thoroughly each night if you wear makeup.

If these basic steps do not work, you may want to try an over the counter acne treatment. Your next step would be to consult a dermatologist.