Do's and Don'ts of Product Packaging - A Complete Guide
Let people listen to your distinctive brand voice, that’s what product packaging is all about. Remember, your potential buyer wants to know you - an essential thing to build trust. However, the purpose cannot be achieved without spending money in the right direction or taking the maximum benefits from packaging.
Product packaging is simply the way to protect the product to ensure its safe arrival at the customer’s home. Today’s best marketing strategy is to capture the both online and physical market. In either case, effective packaging increases the shelf-life of the product and if it is captivating enough to attract the customer then, it will be a plus.
How do you need competitive benefits from the packaging? If the same question is bothering you as well, you must know that not a single factor can determine your success, though there are many. The colors of the prints, the size and shape of the boxes, the layout or designs of the packets, and lastly, the material and its impact on the environment and the food inside it, all determine the success greatly. If put simply, we can say that while designing or packaging custom product boxes, you must keep in mind a long list of dos and don'ts like the following:
Product packaging is the simplest way to protect the product from environmental stress and factors. 1) It saves the product from being damped, 2) It never let the heat come across it to keep the moisture content in right proportion, 3) It restrains products at their fixed place (ensures safe transportation), 4) It’s essential to keep products especially food items fresh and crispy, 5) It labels your product with your brand’s name (helps in resolving copyrights disagreement), 6) It allows a brand to shine among all similar ones.
If you are looking to get the above-mentioned advantages of product packaging, you must follow the following tips:
Clarity and Simplicity:
To a common understanding, the simple and elegant designs last longer than the vibrant and profligate styles. Yes, to get the best out of your packaging strategy, you must use seek help from the content-the king. However, while choosing the content, strive for clarity and simplicity. Simple content is easy to understand and will be relatable more for people.
Answer a Few Questions Before Designing:
Another must do that you must consider before making custom product boxes is to explore the answer to some simple questions. Like, you must ask about your product’s requirements, as it varies greatly with the type and nature of the product for sale. Later on, research to find the most attractive colors, the artwork, and the composition that seem most suitable for packaging.
Print Your Brand Logo on the Packaging:
The logo, the most important brand identity, helps conserve your brand reputation. Generally, using two or three contrasting colors (often primary colors) is enough to make your brand logo. Once you have done with your brand logo, never forget to make it a part of your custom boxes. It will allow people to know you shortly, even by a simple symbol or logo.
Choose Colors As Per Your Requirements:
Color selection is the main part of the product packaging designs, as it may either make your box dull or captivating. If your boxes fail to appeal to the customers, it simply means you are not fully getting the benefits of your packaging. Above all, it’s the category of the product (fragrances, apparel, sports, cosmetics, well-being, decoration, health, and education) that ultimately guides you about the color selection.
Only Get Customized Packaging From Professionals:
Lastly, to get your mind maps turned into a perfect design, never rely on a scammer. It’s the competency and skills of the trained professional that can save your hours. If you really want to seek help from such experts, visit the official site of My Box Packaging now. You will surely find all solutions to your packaging problems in one place.
If do’s are important to introduce you to the right path, then don’ts are important to stop someone from taking the wrong turn. Collectively, to attain proficiency considering both don’ts are also as compulsory as following the do’s. Thus, the following is a brief description of some of the don’ts relevant to designing product packaging.
Spend Too Much on Packaging:
Spending too much on packaging material is not at all a smart act or simply the packaging must be cost-effective. For avoiding the high cost of packaging, updated knowledge about the instant quote at the My Box Packaging can serve as an effective tool.
Choose Big Boxes for Small Products:
Most Product Packaging Suppliers thought that the big packaging sizes or boxes provide greater protection to products; however, this is not at all the case. You don’t need to leave more than ample space, especially for the breakable. To put it another way, never pack a fragile item or glassware into a loose box.
Deliver Orders in Non-customized Boxes:
Product packaging is usually of two types, customized and non-customized. Preferring customized boxes over non-customized boxes is a wiser decision due to several reasons. At the top of the list, the former itself is a marketing tool, allowing people to know all vital aspects about you.
Never Follow Every Trend:
Yes, not every trend is for you; remember, there are some trends to just kick-start your innovation. Conducting industrial research works best when you take a step forward after knowing all trends, while following every trend masks your individual identity in the crowd.
Lack of Informative Content:
Using too many slangs and phrases on a single box will not let your public get the content they are looking about you so far. At maximum, you must only print your company name with a logo, slogan, official email, phone number, and address.
Final Thoughts:
After all is said and done, we must say product packaging is a multifactorial process that needs all businesses to think in the right direction. Counting so many small but valuable things determining the success of a process is indeed difficult, thus, we enlisted all do’s and don’ts relevant to the process. Hopefully, you like the content and stay connected with us to further improve your knowledge bank.