6 Tricks To Write The First Paragraphs of Your Novel or Story
When it comes to the topic of how to start writing a novel, there are several questions that we can address. For example, we can talk about how inspiration comes to us, how to organize and structure those ideas, how we plan the process of writing a book, what the title of our work will be, etc.
However, today I want to offer you some keys so that the first paragraphs of your novel or story are an irresistible hook on which the reader willingly bites. Here are 6 tips to write an amazing and attractive first paragraph of your novel:
Outline the conflict as soon as possible
If you want to engage the reader from the beginning, feel free to hit them as soon as possible. Outline the conflict in the first paragraphs of your text. Later, you will have time to introduce the characters in detail and stop to describe the settings in as much detail as you want.
It starts with action
What better way to outline the conflict than through action by the characters? From the first lines of the text try to "do something" or "talk to someone" and that this is a relevant fact for the plot. In this way you announce to the reader the conflict, that is, the problem they will face later. This does not mean that you “explain” that problem, but that you leave a clue that encourages the reader to ask questions and that will later relate to the conflict.
Be brief and direct
As we all know that the most readers understand short sentences better than long and complicated ones. The same goes for paragraphs, most readers prefer the paragraphs not too long because they read them more easily. If this can be a constant in the text, even more so when you start the first chapter of your novel or the first page of your story. Since writing a book or novel is a time consuming task and requires a lot of efforts, if you want to avoid wasting time and efforts then turning to Book Writing Services is the best option.
Make clear the genre of your novel
Imagine that you have entered a bookstore to buy two books: one for your nephew, who loves fantastic literature set in the middle ages, and another for you, who lately has given you for reading a historical novel and you also like age half. These books you want to buy belong to different genres, but they may have the same cover and, after reading the “flap” or the back cover, they may not have made it clear what they are about. Then you read the first page to see which one you decide on. Wouldn't your work be much easier if the author had left you the keys to the genre of his novel in the first paragraphs? Of course. Now you are the author and you are writing the first lines of your work. Try to state the genre of your novel or story.
Get something moving
This is a tip from P. Highsmith, an American novelist. Try to move something in your first lines. It can be a character who runs to catch a train or a more subtle movement, such as someone who rests his head on the back of the chair. This expression of movement reinforces the action.
Consider starting with a dialogue
This is not a "trick", but a suggestion for you to value other options. Usually, you don't usually start a novel or a story with a dialogue. However, I propose that you value starting like this because it can be a good method to get the characters to "give life". Lean on the narrator's dimensions during the dialogue to place that fact in a certain place and time. Try it and assess the result.