Laundry Services: 5 Cool Laundry Room Ideas

Laundry Services: 5 Cool Laundry Room Ideas

Are you tired of how your laundry services room just looks old and out-of-date? Have your building inhabitants complained about the looks?

It may be time to change up the look with some new laundry room ideas.

We've compiled a list of five fun ideas to spruce up your space to keep the people in your building happy!

1. Add Color and Patterns to the Space

Most of the time, laundry services in apartment buildings are typically in the basement or tucked behind a room that doesn't have any windows.

It may seem dreary down there or even musty. To make that go away and spruce up the space, add some color behind the machines! By spending a bit more at a local hardware store, you can find wallpaper that will make your space more inviting.

2. Use Machines That Don't Require Cash

Nowadays, you don't need to have a machine in your building that requires quarters or even a laundry card. That's behind the times!

Instead, there are now apps that can let tenants pay for their laundry. Say goodbye to losing laundry cards or never having enough cash to use!

There's more information about the types of machines you can buy here:

3. Add in Counter Space

By adding counter space to your laundry services room, there will be an area where your tenants can place their belongings while doing the wash. They can then fold and organize their laundry on the counter after the clothes have been cleaned.

4. Include a Spot For Hanging Clothes

When people do laundry, they often do not dry all of their clothes because they may wrinkle or shrink. But the problem with this is that people will not have anywhere to put their wet laundry that they don't dry while they wait for the rest to be done.

To fix this problem, you can add a hanging space to your laundry room. If you need to save space, you can easily add this above the counter space!

5. Add Cubbies For People to Store Their Detergents


Living in an apartment has its perks, but going to the basement while carrying your laundry bag and all of your detergents is not one of them.

To save your tenants in the building from having to carry so much, you can provide cubbies for them to keep and store their detergents and fabric softeners. These could have locks or be behind a code for each tenant to have access to their own stuff.

Enjoy These Laundry Tips For Your Laundry Services?

Doing laundry doesn't have to be the worst thing in an apartment building or laundromat! Instead, it can be enjoyable.

There can be fun splashes of color or organized spaces to feel at home while doing your laundry.

If you enjoyed these laundry tips for laundry room ideas in your building, check out our other blogs on the site!