yushman India theme can wrap over ten large integer poor and vulnerable families, providing cashless coverage of up to Rs five 100000 per family per annum for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization.
Prime Minister Modi’s flagship Ayushman India Yojna can cowl over ten large integer poor and vulnerable families providing cashless coverage of up to Rs five 100000 per family per annum for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. this may be the world’s biggest government-funded health care programme.
Each person listed within the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) information can mechanically be listed within the yojana. whereas the beneficiaries will avail advantage in each public and impaneled personal facilities, the payment for treatment are done on the package rate (to be outlined by the govt. in advance) basis. “It is vital to make sure that we tend to free the poor of Bharat from the clutches of impoverishment thanks to that they can not afford care,” Modi same.
SECC study was taken as a base to calculate the amount of beneficiaries underneath the theme which might be extended from Gregorian calendar month twenty five, on the birth date of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay as proclaimed by the prime minister. This Yojana stands to learn fifty large integer Indians by providing them the cashless cowl of up to Rs five 100000 per family per annum with none premium. “It is time we tend to make sure that the poor of Bharat get access to sensible quality and reasonable health care,” Prime Minister Modi same. consistent with the SECC study in 2011, there have been in total twenty four.49 large integer households out of that seventeen.97 crores were rural households and vi.51 large integer were urban households.
People who square measure eligible to induce benefits underneath the Ayushman India theme square measure as follows:
In Rural areas
Households living in single area with Kucha walls and Kucha roof.
Family with no adult member between age sixteen to fifty nine
Female-headed family with no male person member between age sixteen to fifty nine
Family having a minimum of one disabled member and no fit adult member
SC/ST Family
Landless families etymologizing a significant a part of their financial gain from manual casual labor
Families while not shelter
Destitute/ living on solicitation
Manual scavenger households
Primitive social group troops
de jure discharged labor
In Urban areas:
The following activity class of staff square measure mechanically enclosed within the list
Daily employee
Street vendor/ Cobbler/hawker / different service giver performing on streets
Construction worker/ Plumber/ Mason/ Labour/ Painter/ Welder/ Security guard/ cooly and another head-load labor
Sweeper/ Sanitation employee / African nation
Home-based employee/ Artisan/ Handicrafts worker / Tailor
Transport worker/ Driver/ Conductor/ Helper to drivers and conductors/ Cart puller/ cart puller
Shop worker/ Assistant/ manual laborer in tiny establishment/ Helper/Delivery assistant / Attendant/ Waiter
Electrician/ Mechanic/ Assembler/ Repair employee
Washer-man/ Chowkidar