What are the Benefits of Laser Skin Toning?
Many women do not even know their skin type and end up using the wrong skin products. This in turn leads to look out for skincare at next-door beauty parlours trying skin brightening hacks on the advice of so-called 'beauty experts'. This is the principal reason for most women facing skin issues prematurely.
These days laser treatments are gaining popularity to combat the signs of hyperpigmentation. One of the oft-requested cosmetic skincare treatments using lasers is Laser Toning.
It offers an unprecedented skin brightening effect which allows the true skin tone to come forth. It is today’s LOVE for waving goodbye to the ill-effects of sun tanning and skin darkening.
How Does Laser Toning Work?
A laser focuses high-intensity light accurately to target small spots with high energy. Developments in the field of medicine have led to the evolution of devices that can be used for laser treatments of various skin, hair and body issues.
During the Laser Toning procedure, specialised laser devices like Q-Switched Laser are used to vaporize the melanin in the skin for a skin brightening effect.
How is Laser Toning beneficial?
Laser Toning helps to counter various skin issues like:
- Pigmentation
- Age Spots
- Sun-damaged and sun-tanned skin
- Dark Spots
- Melasma
- Brown Spots
- Freckles
- Blemishes
- Anti tan treatment
This laser skin treatment leads to a major improvement in the skin texture and skin tone as the patches disappear and there is an even skin tone.
Q-Switched Lasers have the potential to treat pigmentation, utilizing the technique of directing short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at the melanin and dissolving it to be carried away by the blood vessels and flushed from the body. It is a non-surgical cosmetic correction method that utilizes lasers to penetrate the deeper layers of skin and is a well-known laser skin treatment.
With laser treatments, there is minimal discomfort with minimal downtime. One has to wear sunscreens on exposed parts of the body like hands, face, neck while going out in the sun.
The results of this anti tan treatment last for a long time, generally a few months.
Where can one go for Laser Toning?
These days, even neighboring salons can be seen offering laser toning treatments.
However, one should choose a good skincare clinic with trained staff and dermatologists for these laser treatments as these light-based treatments should be done with care and precision.
One must visit a dermatologist at a good skincare clinic for a skin assessment. This will lead to a better understanding of skin type, skincare products for home care along with cosmetic treatments for excellent skin brightening results.
For Laser Toning, one can look at Clinic Dermatech, which has 20 clinics in 13 cities and has been awarded multiple times for its services and is thus called North India's Most Awarded Skincare Clinic