The Fastest Caricaturist in The World For The Event
Although there are no competitions in this competition, only one Polish cartoonist is said to be the fastest. Talent, great diligence and reliability go hand in hand with popularity. For many years, Szczepan Sadurski and his satirical work can be admired in the media. Many Poles know his name, but not everyone knows that he is also an event caricaturist (karykaturzysta eventowy). Meet a cartoonist from Poland who is said to be one of the fastest cartoonists in the world
The art of drawing caricatures
Drawing caricatures cannot be learned in any school. Drawing portraits - yes. But in the era of the widespread presence of smartphones and the fashion for selfie photos, do we appreciate the ability to take a portrait and the talent of the artist? A caricature, also known as a cheerful portrait, is a different matter. It is not a computer program, but a living artist and his imagination that instantly creates a smiling face in front of the viewers' eyes. Although similar to the drawn person, it is different from what each of us sees in the mirror every day.
The well-known caricaturist Szczepan Sadurski from Karykatury.com says in interviews that he began to understand what caricature was when he began to forget what a portrait was. He graduated from art school and received a thorough artistic education. Art education and the ability to create portraits undoubtedly help in creating caricatures. When someone wants to take shortcuts, he has no craftsmanship or talent - he can draw caricatures, but he will not become a master in this field.
The fastest caricaturist for events and weddings
A long time ago, Sadurski exceeded 50,000 drawn faces, which he created at various events. This gave him the ease of drawing and the accurate ability to look at people's faces. When he had probably drawn all the faces in Poland, Sadurski began to receive proposals for further professional trips. European countries, USA, Australia. In New York, after one of the parties, the press wrote that Sadurski was one of the fastest caricaturists in the world.
The master of the line does not like participating in competitions, prefers to set goals and achieve them himself. Sadurski does not race with anyone, and at event she draws what he sees. At a pace that is appropriate for his predispositions and many years of experience. At least several times a month, his talent and extraordinary skills are admired by participants of corporate and private events (usually weddings) all over Poland.
Sadurski - event caricaturist from Karykatury.com
Although many people still associate the profession of a caricaturist with an artist creating during holidays on a promenade where a large number of tourists walk, Sadurski has never been a street artist.
He is an event caricaturist who is still traveling. He professionally traveled the length and breadth of Poland, many times. Cars, trains, buses, even planes. Customers are not interested that the day before he drew 600 km away. The most important thing is that it will grace their specific event. And so that another group of people could admire his unique talent.
The most important question that Sadurski's potential clients ask is not about the fee for his work. First of all, customers ask if a specific date is still free. It should not come as a surprise that the busiest event caricaturist in Poland has several invitations for some dates in the calendar. And only one event can be celebrated on a single day. It is Sadurski who worries the most - more and more often he has to refuse to cooperate because his deadline is already taken.