Polyester Web Slings – Its features and characteristics
What is a Polyester Web Sling?
A Polyester web sling is synthetic webbing fabricated into a formation with or without fittings for raising, lowering or hanging applications in general industrial and specific operations. To match your demand synthetic web slings manufacturers are ready with different configurations and specifications.
Polyester web slings are most suitable for use in conditions where acid may be present and minimum stretch is preferred. Polyester is unaffected by common acids and bleaching agents, but the material is inappropriate for use in conditions where intense sulfuric acid or alkaline is present.
Basic web sling types
Type I—Web sling manufactured with a triangle fitting on the one side and a slotted triangle choker fitting on the other side. It can be utilized in a vertical, basket or choker snag.
Type II—Web sling made with a triangle connected on both the sides. It is useful with vertical or basket hitch only.
Type III—Web sling created with a flat loop eye one side with loop eye opening on same plane as sling body on the other side. This category of sling is occasionally named a flat eye and eye, eye and eye or double eye sling.
Type IV—Web sling created with both loop eyes shaped as in Type III, excluding that the loop eyes are twisted to form a loop eye which is at a right angle to the plane of the hang body. This type of sling is normally mentioned to as a twisted eye sling.
Type V—Boundless web sling, sometimes mentioned to as a grommet. It is a nonstop loop made by joining the ends of the webbing connected with a load-bearing splice.
Type VI—Return eye web sling is created by consuming several widths of webbing held edge to edge. A wear pad is connected on one or both sides of the web sling body and on one or both sides of the loop eyes to form a loop eye at each end that is at a right angle to the plane of the web sling body.
Important termsfor the polyester web slings
Abrasion—it is the automatic wearing of a surface, causing from frictional contact with other materials.
Body—this part of a web sling situated between the end fittings or loop eyes.
Breaking Strength—this is the point at which any load-bearing part of the sling starts to fail.
Coating—a finish applied for a special purpose.
Design Factor—the ratio of the least breaking strength to the “rated capacity” for each new web sling.
Elongation—the capacity of stretch, at a given load, articulated as a percentage of the unloaded length.
Fabrication Efficiency—the ratio of a web sling assembly load capacity to the webbing strength prior to construction, expressed as a percentage.
Fitting—A load-bearing equipment which is connected to the web sling.
Hitch / Vertical—A technique of rigging a web sling in which the load is connected to one end of the web sling and the other end of the web sling is attached to the load
Hitch / Choker—A technique of rigging a web sling in which the web sling is wrapped around the load, through itself and then attached to the lifting hook.
Hitch / Basket—a process of rigging a web sling in which the web sling is accepted around the load, and both ends are joined to the lifting hook.
Length (Reach)—the stretch between the extreme load bearing points of the web sling, comprising fittings if appropriate.
Splice—It is the part of the web sling which has slaps stitched to become an integral part of the web sling.
Types of splices
(a) Load Bearing Splice—any splice that carries a portion of the total load applied.
(b) Assembly Splice—any splice that joins two or more parts of the sling without bearing any of the applied load.
Coatings used in the polyester web slings
Web slings may be coated with appropriate materials that will impart needed characteristics, such as:
Abrasion resistance
Sealing to stop penetration of foreign particles and matter
Better coefficient of friction
Better resistance to ultra-violet light
How to identify the polyester web sling?
Each web sling shall have a permanently attached identification tag marked to show:
-Name or trademark of manufacturer
-Manufacturer’s code or stock number
-Rated capabilities for at least one hitch type and the angle upon which it is based
-Type of synthetic web yarn
-Number of legs if more than one
Consideration before using the polyester web sling
-Calculate weight of the load. The weight of the load shall be within the rated capability of the web sling.
-Pick a web sling having appropriate characteristics for the type of load, hitch and environment.
-Web slings shall not be loaded in excess of the rated capacity.
-Consideration shall be given to the sling to load angle, causing the stress on the sling to exceed the rated capacity.
-Web slings with fittings, which are used in a ribbon hitch, shall be of adequate length to ensure that the choking action is on the webbing and never on the fitting.
-Web slings used in a basket hitch shall hold the load steadily to prevent slippage.
-The opening in fittings shall be the appropriate shape and size to ensure that the fitting will seat properly in the hook or other attachments. Web slings shall always be secure from being cut by corners, edges, protrusions or rough surfaces. Web slings shall not be pulled on the floor or over abrasive surfaces.
-Web slings shall not be twisted, condensed, lengthened, tied in knots or joined by knotting. Web slings shall not be dragged from under loads when the load is resting on the web sling. Do not drop web slings armed with metal fittings. Web slings that seem to be damaged shall not be used unless inspected and recognized as usable.
Ideal qualities in a polyester slings suppliers in Malaysia
-Must be supplying high quality products
-Slings must be tried and tested
-Timely delivery of the products
-Transparent pricing policy
-Able to supply in bulk
To know more visit: https://www.dunnagebags4u.com/polyester-web-slings