Change Where You Get Your Commercial Cleaning Supplies
Every industrial and commercial facility is only as good as its best practices and procedures. Among these are the procedures and protocols that are in place for cleaning and sanitation. While it’s true that no two of them will have the exact same needs in commercial cleaning supplies or equipment, they all need them to some degree or other.
This means, in effect, that every business out there either contracts with a janitorial service or has its own in-house. If you, reading this, are responsible for providing supplies or equipment for a crew of professional janitorial service providers, then you’re about to get a break.
It’s time for you to change up where you get your commercial cleaning supplies, plain and simple. It’s time for you to start getting your supplies and equipment from JaniSource.com, or at least to add them to your list of viable suppliers?
Why would one need a list of viable suppliers of commercial cleaning equipment? Funny you should ask - how about access to a little competition? If you aren’t shopping with JaniSource currently simply because you don’t have the bandwidth to search for new suppliers, you could be missing out on a deal.
Speaking of a deal, JaniSource offers free shipping on all orders over $100 dollars, which is actually highly valuable. It might not sound like a lot, but you’re not buying supplies for under the kitchen sink. You’re responsible for a business, and that adds up quickly. Depending on how conscientiously you shop, you might never have to pay for shipping on cleaning equipment or supplies again.
Then there’s the fact that JaniSource can admirably serve you as a one-stop shop for all of your needs in commercial cleaning supplies and equipment.They offer much more than simple janitorial supplies like disinfecting wipes and paper rolls. They do offer them, but much more.
JaniSource carries a wealth of paper cleaning supplies including but not limited to wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, and facial tissue, along with other critical sanitation supplies such as hand sanitizers and hand soaps, even gloves and soap dispensers. Along with these basic supplies, JaniSource also carries food service sanitation supplies and disposable products, floor care products, and floor cleaners for a variety of surfaces, along with vital cleaning tools like brushes, dust mops, sponges, and carts.
JaniSource even carries a collection of floor scrubbers, pressure washers, and other specialty equipment that businesses need. Whatever your needs are in cleaning chemicals, whether you need basic cleaning products or hard-to-find equipment, JaniSource is, well, your source.
You can throw in the fact that JaniSource carries many national brands in addition to their own private labels; after all, as long as your protocols are met, no one is going to know which brand of cleaner you use. Add in that JaniSource has a network of warehouses to provide faster shipping and even offers financing options to its customers and the competition just dwindles further.
If you’re ready to change the way you shop for commercial cleaning supplies and enjoy access to what can only be described as the definitive collection of cleaning products, visit JaniSource.com today or call them at 877-667-4323.
For more information about Concentrated Disinfectant and Green Cleaning Products Please visit : JaniSource, LLC.