Why students face problems with O Level Chemistry Tuition?
It is very easy to learn chemistry but only if you are taught in the right way by a good Chemistry Tutor who knows how to make it easy. Students mostly struggle with their O Level Chemistry Tuition. There are several reasons behind this. They may even fail in their Chemistry exams which may have several reasons behind it. But mainly there are four essential reasons for which a student fails to get good results in Chemistry. If you also find yourself struggling with O level Chemistry, and looking to find a way for scoring high then you are in the right place. Miracle Learning Centre have tried to list down some important points which may be the reason behind bad results.
Prior Knowledge
Most of the students when reach the O level chemistry classrooms don’t have any prior experience related to Chemistry. Which makes it tough for them to grab the concepts in one lecture and at the end of the day they fail to perform well in the tests. Chemistry is a subject that needs a strong foundation and if you don’t have that then it will be problematic for you.
Failing to take notes
A huge number of students in Singapore lack basic ideas about how to take running notes effectively. Most of them just write whatever they want out of lectures and often miss the important points. The idea of having a stronghold on the topic need not only proper attention in lecture but also needs an effective note-taking strategy. We can see that students are listening to lectures and not writing down any notes at all. They can get more understanding of the topic while listening to conferenced but when they go home, they mess it up as they forget most of the things taught to them and are left with no supporting study material.
Confused about question answering techniques
You can find many students in your class having great concepts and ask a lot of issues while attending lectures, but in the exam, they fail to score good grades. The main reason is only one thing which is that they don’t know the correct way of answering a particular question in the best possible way. Every teacher while checking exams may have some key points in their mind which they want to see reflected in the answer. So, if you don’t mention those specific keywords in that answer then you may not be able to get the desired scores. Every topic has a keynote and basic concept which not you need to not just grab as clearly as you can but you must also have the ability to craft his basic concept into the right specific keywords on the answer sheet.
Miracle Learning Centre is the leading O level chemistry tuition in Singapore which can help students to grasp the toughest concepts of the subject very easily. We have the most prolific line of O level chemistry tutors who are always more than happy to help the students with all their doubts. We believe that there is no prescribed method of learning for everyone and each student may have a different way of learning things. Not every student has the same pace of learning things so for this our teachers always tweak their teaching methods to find out which one is the most suitable method for a student. We also conduct frequent exams and assessments to let the students and their parents know the real picture of their progress. Our classes are priced smartly so that it can fit in the budget of everyone. So, come check out our classes today.