That time of the year is almost here, knocking at the doors, demanding festivities, and reviving hope! It's quite true that we may not have had the best deal when it came to the course of the event throughout the year. But now things are starting to look better, asking us to get up, and prepare, as better times are coming ahead!
Christmas not only represents hope, feeling cozy and loved but also gives us the opportunity to dress-up, look good and enjoy yourself and be grateful in the moment!
Here are the Must-Have Things That You Should Start Collecting to Show Yourself the Love that Your Deserve!
1- Non-sticky Face Moisturizer
The weather around this warm and delightful festival is extremely cold and dry, which can suck the moisture away from your face making them unpleasant to touch and feel.
There are many different types of moisturizers you can get in the market, but when you are picking a face moisturizers for the winter, there are a few things that you must keep in mind.
Even in winters, make sure that you pick a moisturizer that is best suitable for your skin type. Once you have zeroed in the face moisturizer based on your skin type, make sure that it does not feel too heavy on your face, and makes your face look oily.
Pick something light yet effective, which does not appear greasy, and something that can serve as a make-up base for the parties you may attend during the festivals.
If you would like to explore natural options, aloe Vera gel can also serve as a great moisturizing agent for your face.
2- Long Lasting Body Butters
There are many people who don't need to moisturize their bodies in summer or go light on it, but winters are no time for shying away from moisturizing your whole body.
There are many different types of body Butters or lotions available in the market, chose the one that works best for you.
If you want to try natural ingredients for moisturizing your body, there are various types of oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, and other essential oils, which you can apply directly after heating them a little or by adding them to your bathwater.
3- Hair Care Products
Just like your face, and your body, your hairs also require extra attention during the winters, so that they look amazing during the festive events.
Make sure to clean them well, and winters call for deep conditioning for which multiple products are available in the market. When it comes to natural deep conditioning, use masks for your hairs before you shampoo so that your hairs don't become brittle and dry, as such hairs tend to break easily and you don't want a hair fall among all the festivities of the season.
4- Grooming Products
It is a common joke that women give up on physical grooming during winters due to the extremely cold weather. But that's not true, because as much as it gets cold in the winters, various beautiful events fall during these winter days for which we have to look our best.
When it comes to grooming, let's first talk about body hair, some of us love to remove them, while some feel more feminine upon embracing their body hair growth. A woman can choose whatever she wants to do with her body hair as long as it pleases her.
But if you want to trim or remove them, invest in appreciate products beforehand so that the products you use, so you don't have to worry about your body hair when the events start.
Schedule your appointments beforehand if you would like professional help for the removal of your body hair to avoid any last moment rush or mishaps.
5-Shaping Your Brows and Growing Your Lashes:
Every woman should know that shaping your brows the right way can transform her facial features in a magical way. This is one tiny beauty step that no women should skip, especially when the festivals are around.
There are various trimmers and shapers which you can use to give your brows the shapes that make you look elegant and poised during your dinner parties.
You can also get professional help for your brows as they are definitely a good investment to make.
It may seem that you can do nothing for your eyelashes apart from curling them or dabbing coats of mascara on it, but there are ways to grow your lashes and add a softer feminine appeal to your face.
Again, the oils in your beauty cabinet can come to your rescue, as oils are great for promoting the growth of eyelashes. If you are looking for quicker and more assured results, try Careprost which gives you eyelash growth within 2-3 weeks.
While you are at these, don't forget to pick out some lovely lip balms for your adorable lips! Christmas calls for pouty lips in group selfies!