5 Simple Methods To Solve Brother Printer Offline Error
Are you searching for the solution of Brother Printer Offline Error? If yes, then you can end your search with this article.
No doubt that Brother provides one of the best and smartest printers of the generation and that is why it is the first choice of a large number of people.
The reason why we need printers is they make our work easy and saves our time a lot and that is why Brother serves printer not just for commercial use but for personal use too.
But, as we all know that it is a technical device and in this world, there are no technical gizmos who have not been surrounded by some errors.
And in all, the one who troubles the Brother Printer is Brother Printer Offline Error.
Apart from this error, there are other errors too but when you will face this one, your printer will stop working on the very next moment.
Let’s end the intro part here and moving to a solution for Brother printer error.
Methods To Troubleshoot Brother printer offline Issue
Check Printer Connectivity
The main reason behind why are you facing the offline error is your printer is not connecting well with the internet connection or there is something not good with your router.
To check if your router working fine or not, connect any other device with the same network and see if the internet is working fine on that network or showing an error.
If that is the case then contact your Internet Service Provider now.
Apart from the same, just reboot your device and the router and plug out all the wires, wait for a while and reinsert all the cables again.
Turn the printer ON and see if the issue got resolved or not.
Confirm The Printer Status
Check the status of the printer i.e. the default printer should be brother printer as people forget to change the default printer and end up facing this error.
If you don’t know how to change the default printer then do follow the below steps:
Click on the start button first.
There you will see a list of options and from which click on “Control Panel”.
From there just click on “printer and devices” and then choose the printer that you are using now.
Then click “set as default printer”.
To confirm that the brother printer is the default printer you have to go to the printers folder and check the mark on the icon of the brother printer.
Update Printer Driver
If you haven’t been updating the driver of the printer for a long time then there are chances that you will face Brother Printer Offline Error and to solve the concern you have to follow the steps that have been given below.
You have two choices, either you can update the printer automatically or manually.
To update the printer manually,
- You first have to visit the official website of Brother Printer and then check there for all available updates regarding the model of printer you have now.
Just click on “download” and save the file to your system in the location from where it could easily be founded.
Now open that file and install it into your system to update the driver of the printer.
To update the printer automatically,
There are people who don’t have much information regarding printers and that is why we are suggesting them to download the “driver easy” to your device.
With the driver easy, it will be very easy for you to update the printer driver. You just have to run the file and it will tell you about all the available updates.
Just click on “download update” and see if the issue got resolved or not.
Cancel All The Printer Jobs
Many times just by deleting all the printer’s jobs solves the issue of Brother Printer Offline Error. To do so you just have to follow all the methods that have been given below.
Simply, turn ON your printer.
Click on the start menu button
Open the Control Panel and right-click on the brother printer and click on see what’s printing.
From popping up the window just click on the Printer and then open Run As Administrators.
Click now on “cancel all the documents”.
Confirm the action
Update Brother Printer Firmware
To solve the Brother Printer Offline Error issue, it would be better for you to update the firmware of the brother printer.
Just visit the official website of the Brother printer and search there for your product’s name.
Now select the “operating system version” you are using now from the download page of the printing device.
Click OK.
Open the firmware and click on “firmware update tool”
You will then see a popup for “Agree To The Eula And Downloads”, just click on that.
Soon after you will get the notification that your file has been downloaded then you can update the firmware by following all the instructions.
Restart Printer, Router, And Computer
After following all the steps if you have found that your printer is not working fine then you can first turn off your router and then turn off your printer and computer too.
Let them be off for some time and then turn ON these devices again and check if the issue of Brother Printer Offline Error got resolved or not.
And At The End…
We hope that you have got the solution to the issue that you have been dealing with for a while. You just have to follow the above methods and we assure you that if you would correctly follow them, you will no longer feel any kind of difficulty.
Don’t take any kind of tension after facing such minor errors, we have told you this already and saying that again that printer is a technical device and it’s very normal if they will show some kind of errors.
It’s your duty to care for them. So be gentle and update the driver of the printer periodically for its better functioning.
All The Very Best!