MBA in Sports Management can lead you to a treasure trove!
Why MBA in Sports Management?
The reason is simple MBA in Sports Management is an emerging field. You may not be an early bird, but you are not too late.
Now, to obtain an MBA, you must enroll in an approved MBA college. To do that, you must crack the CMAT/Mat/GMAT/CAT. Since other popular streams of an MBA course like Finance, HR, etc., are overcrowded, and unless you are pass out of an institution of repute, the prospect of job placement is bleak. And of course, you know that an almost 100 percentile score in CAT can ensure your entry to a big Institution. It's too much demanding.
However, if your choice is Sports Management, the entry-level competition is less demanding.
Is Sports Management is an easy go for MBA aspirants?
The answer is an emphatic 'NO.' Remember, you are pursuing a post-graduate degree/diploma, and it implies that you will acquire knowledge at the Masters' level. And there is no known easy course at the Master's level. However, the entry-level competition is not that stiff. And the buck stops there. Thence, you must prove your mettle.
If you are not a sports enthusiast and deeply love sports events, and ready to travel a lot, Sports Management is not your forte.
If you run for a professional degree/diploma, you must delve deep into the subject. Moreover, the course can cost you anything between 1.80 K to a million bucks in India. And ROI will depend on your final score. Every MBA course is a do-or-die affair.
If you fit the bill, let's move on.
What is the scope of the course?
The course will cover event management of all types of sports. It will train you up about different aspects of sports management, from concept level to implementation. You will understand the importance and the role of every stakeholder. The course objective is to equip the students with the real-world scenario of event management. The training will help to face the challenge with the necessary skill and professional precision.
Another field of training is the use of technology in sports. The use of technology in sport is nothing new. But the application of AI (artificial intelligence) and DL (deep learning) has changed the perspective of strategy-analysis in a big way. The computer applications made the life of strategy-planners, event-managers, and sports marketing personals life easy. But it needs a learning process for optimal use of the application. The course offers hands-on training and study of live cases to understand the subject through and through.
You will also learn the nuances of Sports Marketing. Marketing is the life-blood of every business. In a market where demand by far exceeds the supply, you may ignore the marketing part. Unfortunately, it's a rarity. Therefore, you must understand the nitty-gritty of the Sports Marketing world. And there are different segments in the sports world, for which you must plan a different strategy to market your company. Planning for a sponsor to fund a club-event depends on the client's profile. So, the learning curve is stiff. Marketing skill is a dynamic feature. The strategy to market an item changes with socio-economic changes. Naturally, it demands continuous learning. The course on Sports Marketing trains you up, what to learn and how to improvise your stratagem.
The career Prospect
An MBA in Sports Managementhas excellent career prospects. The field is still a virgin, rather greenfield. That does not ease your growth path in any way but may give you enough time to hone your skills.
To attain a commanding position, you must acquire the skill of thinking out of the box. Like a game of chase, you must out-think your competitor. And unlike the game of chase, the rule of play may change anytime due to unforeseen circumstances. Who thought of the Covid-19 pandemic? The devastation it caused, or its impact on the social life all over the world! But the leader must take the disadvantage in its stride and transpose it to his advantage.
The course includes guest lecturers and leading experts from the field. There will be interactive sessions with the market leaders. The training is invaluable and helps you to expand your vision.
As explained, the course offers an exciting career path. Since the field is not yet overcrowded, entry to the golden gateway is comparatively easy. Therefore, if you are ready to take the pain of the grinding training, take the plunge. Always remember the maxim, 'there is no shortcut to the glory.' A professional course is a tough race. Like a gladiator, you must curve your path to liberty. There is little scope to copy and paste.
But one thing is sure if you decide, an exciting career awaits you. It's a treasure trove. For a sports lover, nothing could be better. What more do you want?