Law Case Study Writing Help: The Do’s And Don’ts
Choosing law as a career entails so much more than opposing and arguing cases in court. As a law student or even a professional, you are going to be required to deal with a lot of legal writing. Despite having the required skills and passion to become a lawyer, newly graduated and law students face a lot of difficulties writing a formal legal paper. If you are a student, you will be provided with a lot of case study writing and will be asked to write a detailed analysis of them.
As a law professional or student, you must know the fact that writing law case studies are in no case a simple task. Most of the time, law students are unable to write such detailed case study analysis because of being unaware of the formal format and approach of writing them. As a law student and even after stepping your foot in the law profession, it is highly essential to keep reviewing the basics of legal writing to devise impressive papers.
In the following post, we will talk about the do’s and don’ts of legal writing in length. With the help of these tips, law students can avoid the most frequently made mistakes in their assignments.
The Do’s of Law Case Study Writing
1. Properly read the case
Before you do anything else, to prepare a well-written law case study analysis, read the case study thoroughly until you properly understand the case and its important facts. Then proceed towards analyzing the court’s proceedings. If you don’t carefully read and understand the important facts and figures of the case, you will never figure out the reason behind the court’s final call.
At first, it is hard to understand the entire case. Don’t worry, all you need to do is go through the case once and you can figure out the entire case in later stages. The first step is to figure out the major people involved in the case and what is the decision they are trying to get out of the court.
2. Take the case’s history of procedure into consideration
Most of the case studies that you will be provided for analysis as a student would at least have been through one round of appeal. To carefully analyze and prepare a thoughtful answer to the case study, you must figure out the path of the case that has been observed from the time of filing the lawsuit until the final court’s proceedings which influenced the final decision that is provided in front of you.
Following the history of the incident will explain the role of both the parties in detail and can help you in understanding the point of view of both the parties from start to finish. To construct a strong analysis, it is imperative to know the outlines of the case from the beginning to the end - which party sued whom, and which party appealed first to influence the decision – you must know everything. Although students now have the liberty to take online help from law case study writing services, it is vital to know this procedure yourself for future understanding.
3. Take the facts of the case into account
Before beginning to analyze a legal case study, it is important to take the underlying facts and figures into account. For every court case, there is always a history of the dispute between the mentioned parties. Although, not all facts and figures found in the history of the dispute are going to be relevant. Carefully reading the case and figuring out the relevant facts that helped influence the final decision is going to be a lot of assistance in preparing an analysis of the case study.
4. Prepare a simple yes/no question for the case study
To make your answer simple, it is vital to create a question that can be responded to with either a “yes“ or a “no”. A relating question to the study can help in phrasing a cohesive answer whereas in some cases, the underlying issue before filing a lawsuit can raise a lot of yes or no questions as well.
5. Answer the question
Once you have phrased a question according to the outlines of the case study, it is now time to figure out the court’s answer to that question. However, in some cases, the answer is not a simple yes or no, it can be somewhere in the middle like ‘sometimes’, or ‘maybe’, whereas in some rare cases, the court follows a rather simple approach and phrases the case study in an already created question. In such cases, all you have to do is figure out the court’s answer to the question.
6. Determine the most relevant facts to the court
Amongst the most relevant facts you have found out of the whole case study, some facts are still going to be more relevant than the others as they influenced the final court’s decision. To understand the court’s final reasoning thoroughly and write a detailed answer to the question, it is important to determine the most essential facts that made the court rule against one of the parties.
The Don’ts of Law Case Study Writing
1. Don’t suppose your reader is familiar with the law
The individual reading your case study analysis will not always know the law. While writing your analysis, presume that the reader knows nothing of the law. You have to make sure that your analysis clearly explains the laws and their implementation. With a better understanding of the fundamentals of law, your reader will understand the case study analysis a lot better. This, in turn, can help in making your paper more interesting and effective.
2. Don’t add contractions in the text
While writing a legal paper, it is important to take care of the formal or informal language. In a case study analysis, you will be required to use formal legal language. Hence, avoid using contractions like ‘isn’t’ ‘don’t’ ‘won’t’ and others. Instead, use proper sentence builders like ‘cannot’ ‘do not’ and others.
3. Don’t write personalized opinions.
The reader of your paper will be the least interested in what you think. In fact, they care more about legal law and how well do the paper tackles legal arguments to back up your reasoning. Therefore, avoid using the pronouns ‘I’ and others around the same area. Over time, developing a habit of avoiding personal pronouns will help you in stating well-written arguments based on the law.
4. Don’t neglect to proofread your paper
A lot of students forget to give their final submissions a proper read-through in the end. You must avoid doing this. Before submitting your paper, make sure that you give it a final read from top to bottom and make sure that all the mentioned guidelines by the professor are implemented and your draft is organized, grammatically correct, and well-structured. This will not only help you in securing high scores in the paper, but it is also a good practice for the professional career ahead. Some courts refuse to accept papers that do not follow the strictly mentioned guidelines. Therefore, make sure that you are starting your assignment early and leaving time for proofreading before submission.
5. Don’t be shy to ask for help
As a newcomer in the complicated field of law, you will require help. Don’t shy away from asking for help from your professors, seniors, friends, or even online case study writing help. Getting your case study analysis done from professional law writers until you master it yourself is now a common practice all around the world.
With the aforementioned do’s and don’ts, we hope you will be able to construct a structured law case study whenever required.