Foods that will help boost your memory
A good memory is the first indicator of a healthy brain, but stress, caused by burnout and the frenetic rhythms of modern life, often represents a threat, making us always feel fatigued and forgetful.
For this, it is necessary not only to sleep enough but also to pay attention to what your weight loss diet.
Foods for memory are those that contain the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the brain: vitamins, fatty acids, enzymes, and beneficial substances. Among the main ones we find:
Vitamins - Among the beneficial vitamins for memory, we find those of group B, K, which favors the nervous system and E, which counteracts oxidative stress and free radicals.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 - These are precious fatty acids that play a neuroprotective action, also for the cognitive development of the child, so they are useful against anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's and other cognitive disabilities.
Flavonoids and polyphenols - These are beneficial substances with a strong antioxidant power, which counteract free radicals, protecting them from neurodegenerative diseases.
Choline - It is a vitamin-like nutrient that preserves the health of the cognitive system and maintains cells intact.
Caffeine - This substance has a protective action against dementia.
Foods that are great for memory include -
Fruits and vegetables - The abundant and regular intake of fruit and vegetables protects against age-related cognitive dysfunction. Among fruits and vegetables, crucifers (cabbage and broccoli) are recommended, rich in folic acid that helps memory, along with tomatoes, spinach and blueberries, considered a cure-all for cellular aging.
Seeds, in particular, flax, sunflower, and pumpkin are great foods for memory as they are rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6, so they can be consumed for the best diet for memory.
They also contain minerals such as zinc, selenium, and magnesium, with antioxidant action.
Nuts and peanuts - Even dried fruit is considered among the foods that help memory. In particular, walnuts and peanuts are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals among weight loss food. The walnuts also regulate the presence of serotonin in the brain, a substance that deals with the transmission of nerve impulses.
Curcuma - This is a so-called superfood containing smart substances and molecules able to communicate with DNA to counteract aging. In particular, curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, appears to act effectively against dementia and Alzheimer's, helping to preserve a good memory.
Eggs - They are an excellent source of choline, useful for memory and for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. It is, however, a protein food, which contains cholesterol, it is a good habit not to overdo the weekly quantities, especially if you suffer from metabolic syndrome.
Coffee - By virtue of the positive effects of caffeine on the brain, drinking coffee, in the absence of particular medical conditions or indications, can help to keep the nervous system healthy, improving memory.
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